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Step 1: Create a User Account

Step 2: If you have an account, sign-in then go to our Affiliate Application Page to apply for affiliate status.

Step 3: Once approved, you can access our online marketing resources and set up your affiliate links on your site.

Step 4: You promote NewHorizonsDesigns.com and send traffic to our site. (Use your own pictures and not just a link.)

Step 5: If the visitors you send to us make a purchase, we pay you a percentage (see details below).

We take care of the rest!


payment details

Commission Percentage – When you refer visitors to our site using an affiliate link and that visitor makes a purchase, you earn 15% of the total sale.
Payment Frequency – Payments are made monthly. Payments will be made no later than the end of the following month for the previous month’s sales.
Minimum Payout – No minimum amount required before payout. Yes I will be willing to send you $1.
Payment Method – We deposit your commission payment into your PayPal account (required).
Payment Notification – You will be notified by email when we make a commission payment to your PayPal account.
how to apply for the program

Federal Laws Concerning Affilates

Per federal law you must disclose the use of affiliate links in text on forums, blog posts, websites etc.  Not using a disclaimer can lead to your account status being suspended or closed.  A good generic disclaimer to add to your post or page is:

“Some of the links in the post above are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, we will receive an affiliate commission. Regardless, we only recommend products or services we believe will add value to our readers.”

Also no matter where you live almost all social media platforms also have strict rules about disclosing affiliate links.  You must tell people the link is an affiliate link, the best way to do so is to use the hashtag #affilatelink right before or after the link.

We reserve the rights to change these terms of service at any time as long as we provide notice to the email on file first.  We also reserve the right to end an affiliate relationship at per our discretion at any time.